[e-drug] Update from the Public Healthcare Laboratory

E-drug: Update from the Public Healthcare Laboratory

[Cross posted from Afronets with thanks. Useful for people involved
in Primary Health Care and training. BS]

Update from the Public Healthcare Laboratory


The Public Health Care Laboratory is a global forum of information
exchange as well as a reliable resource centre for laboratory person-
nel, policy makers and those concerned with primary health care labo-
ratory services in resource poor countries.

1. Visit our Resource Centre:
    We have revised and updated the Resource Centre to include:
a) Books - A comprehensive list of books related to laboratory ser-
    vices in resource poor countries;
b) Documents - An exhaustive lists of documents with a large number
    of PDF documents for free download;
c) Contacts - A list of addresses and hyperlinks to organizations and
    related sites;
d) NEW! Useful Links at:

with links to related sites - including tutorials, free downloads,
photographic images and much more.

2. Visit our Training Site at:

We update this site regularly. You can find information on upcoming
training opportunities including fellowships, postgraduate studies
and short courses.

3. Please contact us at: <thephclab@msn.com> if you know of training
opportunities, books, documents or links that could be added to our

For more information please contact:
Gabriele Mallapaty
The Public Health Care Laboratory

"Our mission is to improve the quality of laboratory services in re-
source-poor countries and provide a forum for information exchange!"
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