[e-drug] Use of dipyrone (metamizol)

E-DRUG: Use of dipyrone (metamizol)

[Dipyrone is traded under many names including Novalgin. This topic has been discussed extensively on E-drug in the past and I encourage both Sunil and others to search E-drug archives. http://www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug/archives.php. If anyone still would respond to Sunil, you may communicate directly, not on E-drug. Options for fever are paracetamol and ibuprofen. Moderator]

Dear E-Drug Users,

I would like to have your opinions on the use of Novalgin (dipyrone).
I know that it is banned in some countries. I checked with more than one reference, including the PDR, BNF but no information is available. In my hospital we are currently using it for fever in malaria and pediatrics, please comment on this usage and what current options are available.

Regards Sunil Singh.
RPh .MOH ,Guyana.

E-DRUG: Use of dipyrone (metamizole)(2)

Dear colleague,

It is amazing that this problem continuously re-emerges with a king of
clockwork regularity, and that there still seems to be a market for this
drug. The facts are well known; I could recover them from my old files
but for you it is much easier to approach HAI Europe in Amsterdam,
because they can provide you with all the scientific data. The drug is
cheap and relatively dangerous, so objectively there should be no
objection to using the drug as pain killer in circumstances where
mortality from other causes in high anyway (war, lethal epidemics etc.).
More accaptable alternatives are (oral) naproxen and (intramuscular)
diclofenac - at least the risks from these drugs are well known and

Good luck and best wishes,

Leo Offerhaus, the Netherlands

E-DRUG: Use of dipyrone (metamizole)(3)

Regulatory actions taken on this medicine worldwide are listed in the UN Consolidated list of products whose consumption and / or sale have been banned...

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Dr Shanthi Pal
Technical Officer
Quality Assurance and Safety: Medicines
Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies
1211 Geneva 27
Tel: 41-22-7911318
Fax: 41-22-7914730