E-drug: Vaccine trial guidelines (cont)
Dear Liz Dartnall,
I was very interested to read your email on the e-drug mailing list. Do
you know where I could obtain a copy of the general guidelines for Clinical
Trials on drugs (South Africa) from? Also, when are you expecting to
produce the guidelines for vaccine trials and will these be preceded by
draft guidelines?
You are probably already aware that UNAIDS are producing formal guidelines
on HIV Vaccine trials, these were due to be finalised some weeks ago now
but have been delayed.
Can you get back to me on the position in S. Africa. I am a Research
Assistant for the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. We are about to begin a
full scale inquiry on the ethics of clinical research in developing
countries and this background would be very useful.
Yvonne Melia
Research Assistant
Nuffield Council on Bio-ethics
Yvonne Melia <ymelia@nuffieldfoundation.org>
[address details all added manually. Contributors are asked to always
supply their affiliation, physical address and email. BS.]
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