E-DRUG: Web Sites
E-Drug readers who have direct online internet web/
netscape access may be interested in two web sites.
The first is based at WHO/DAP and includes most of
the posters which were presented at the International
Conference on Improving the Use of Medicines which
was held in Chang Mai, Thailand in April, 1997.
During the conference all presenters who had brought
posters of their work had their posters scanned by
Lisa Bartkus a WHO staff member. I took photos with a
digital camera and these have now been put on the Web.
The address is
It should also be possible to get specific posters
using the Satelife getweb function though I am not
sure how this works.
You could also look at the site I put together for a
Drug Policy Issues course offered at Boston University
in February, 1997 http://med-sph.bu.edu/courses/IHdpi/.
This is a listing of sessions, participants, faculty etc
and includes a number of photographs. It is probably most
interesting to those who attended.
I am sure that this medium will become more widely used
as more people gain web access.
Richard Laing
Associate Professor of International Public Health
Boston University School of Public Health
53 Bay State Rd,
Boston MA 02215
Tel 617-353-6630
Fax 617-353-6330
Email: richardl@bu.edu
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.