[e-drug] WHO Assembly papers

E-DRUG: WHO Assembly papers

dear E-druggers

Those of you interested in WHO policies, should have a look at
www.who.int/gb where the files of the upcoming WHO Assembly (13-18 May) are
being listed for download as PDF files in english, french and spanish.

Of special interest for E-druggers are:
A55/12 WHO Medicines Strategy
A55/13 Quality of Care: patient safety

Of related drug interest could be:

A55/5 Commission on macro-economics and health
A55/8 Global fund on AIDS, TB and malaria
A55/9 AIDS
A55/10 Global Alliance for vaccines
A55/11 polio eradication
A55/14 and 15 Infant feeding and Code for breastmilk substitutes
A55/19 Dengue
A55/22 African sleeping sickness
A55/23 neurocysticercosis

The WHO Assembly is open for the public, but you have to register.
Details on the website in the A55/DIV/ files


Dr Wilbert Bannenberg
Public Health Consultant
Box 456, Irene 0062, South Africa
Mobile +27-82-5756249
Tel +27-12-6671752
Fax +27-12-6671762
Email: WilbertBannenberg@compuserve.com

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