E-drug: WHO EB report on HIV/AIDS now available
Dear Friends,
The WHO has finally posted the Executive Board document on HIV/AIDS.
The full text can be found at the following link:
As the document has been presented as a report for the EB members to
note, it is unclear if there will be a discussion on it.
Here is one key paragraph to note:
"16. To complement previous guidance on prescribing medicines used in
HIV-associated conditions, WHO has issued guidelines on the safe and
effective use of antiretroviral drugs in resource-limited settings.
WHO is drawing up recommendations on means to offer better care and
services for drug dependent people living with HIV. In line with
resolution WHA53.14 WHO has been working with UNAIDS and other United
Nations partners to support Member States in the procurement,
distribution and use of antiretroviral and other drugs at greatly
reduced costs so as to establish a sustained
improvement in access to treatment. Further, WHO is providing
technical support to Member States for improving access to
HIV-related drugs through participating in needs assessments and
backing for national essential drugs programmes. WHO, in partnership
with UNICEF, UNAIDS, and major nongovernmental organisations,
provides information on procurement sources and prices of HIV-related
drugs. In May 2000, WHO, UNAIDS and other partners in the United
Nations system began a joint effort with specific research-based
pharmaceutical companies to explore ways to accelerate and improve
provision to HIV-related care and treatment in developing countries.
WHO has worked with other United Nations agencies towards creating a
context that helps Member States negotiate optimal terms for
procuring appropriate
treatments, including antiretroviral drugs. The expected benefits of
this complex and resource-consuming process have yet to be fully
realized. WHO has worked closely with UNAIDS and its cosponsors in
seeking options for Member States to extend safe and effective care
to larger segments of the population in need. WHO has participated
fully in the work of a contact group, involving Member States, United
Nations agencies, nongovernmental organizations and the
pharmaceutical companies, which seeks to advance the process in ways
that most reflect the interests of people living with and
affected by HIV/AIDS in poorer countries."
Access and pharmaceuticals have not been discussed in great detail as
of yet, as the meeting is moving more slowly than set out in the
agenda. We will keep you posted as new developments occur.
With best wishes,
Lisa Hayes
HAI Europe
"Lisa Hayes" <hai_in_geneva@hotmail.com>
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