[e-drug] WHO launches a "make medicines child size" campaign (2)

E-DRUG: WHO launches a "make medicines child size" campaign (2)

Dear E-druggers,

I tend to agree with Wilbert that we may be passing the wrong impression with the WHO slogan "Make medicines child size".

Maybe " Make medicines child appropriate" is even better, as "Better medicines for children" alone may not convey the need for new dosage forms of the already available medicines that are suitable for children.

with kind regards


Prof Rohini Fernandopulle
Prof Pharmacology
International Medical University
Plaza Komanwel, Bukit Jalil 57000

E-DRUG: WHO launches a "make medicines child size" campaign (4)

What about 'Make medicines usable for children? (Or even 'Make usable
medicines for children').

This would imply a responsibility to make medicines in formulations that can
be easily administered to children in the constrained health settings that
are usual in developing countries. It would tie in with the rational use
messages, covering both safety/efficacy and economic value-for-money: a
medicine is as good (and therefore worth paying for) as the health outcome
achieved for the individual and for public health.


Philippa Saunders
77 Lee Road
London SE3 9EN

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