E-DRUG: WHO Medicines Strategy 2008-2013 Consultation
[The new, re-merged WHO unit on Essential Medicines & Policies (EMP) has
its Medium Term Strategic Plan for 2008-2013 out for discussion on the
EMP website. The actual paper is downloadable from:
Comments need to be in by 1 October at empinfo@who.int
Debate about this 5-years strategy is obviously also welcome here in
E-drug! WB]
Over the last decade, WHO's activities in the field of medicines have
been guided by the WHO Medicines Strategies for 2000-2003 and 2004-2007.
Based on these good experiences and to ensure a strong foundation for
the 'new' Department of Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies,
we have decided to develop a third WHO Medicines Strategy to formulate
our strategic approaches within the scope of WHO's Medium Term Strategic
Plan for 2008-2013.
The purposes of the WHO Medicines Strategy 2008-2013 are:
* For WHO and major stakeholders to reflect on the future needs and
WHO's comparative strengths in the medicines area
* To present how WHO proposes to contribute towards the achievement
of the health-related Millennium Development Goals and the
implementation of the relevant World Health Assembly resolutions and the
Medium-Term Strategic Plan for 2008-2013
* Within this strategic landscape, to develop and present priorities
for action by WHO and guide future investment and planning decisions
* To create a tool for advocacy and information for stakeholders;
showing the overall picture within which WHO Medicines Programme
The Strategy document is not intended to repeat existing information on
the global pharmaceutical situation and past achievements. It summarizes
the changes that have occurred since 2003 and the key challenges going
forward from 2008. The strategy presents major strategic directions and
approaches but does not include operational details or workplans.
We are pleased to share with you the current draft of the WHO Medicines
Strategy 2008-2013, for your review and comments. To help get you
started we are specifically interested in your feedback on the following
* Do you agree with our analysis of global trends and gaps in the
pharmaceutical sector?
* Do you agree with the strategic directions and priority activities
we have identified?
* Is there any important activity or strategic direction missing?
* In case we have to define our priorities in view of limited
resources, which component(s) of the strategy would you consider of
lowest priority for WHO?
Please feel free to share the draft strategy with your colleagues and
partners. Comments may be sent by email to: empinfo@who.int or by mail
to Director, Department of Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical
Policies, World Health Organization, 20 avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva,
Switzerland. We look forward to receiving your comments before 1 October
2008. We look forward to receiving your comments before 1 October 2008.
If we have not heard from you by that time, we will assume that you will
not be submitting comments.