[e-lek] i+solutions training course

E-DRUG: ARV Procurement and Supply management 20april-1may 2009


i+solutions is pleased to announce the English edition of ARV procurement and supply management course. This course will be held in The Netherlands in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).

ARV Procurement and Supply management

The Netherlands

20 April - 1 May 2009

Arrival date: April 20th 2009

Departure date: May 2nd 2009

Course Objectives

With the increased scaling up of HIV/AIDS program activities, timely availability and efficient management of HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies presents one of the major challenges for healthcare providers especially in developing countries. Such challenges are further compounded by the increasing number of stakeholders with different funding mechanisms and reporting requirements. This course focuses on the supply chain and aims at improving participants’ capacity to plan and manage logistics for HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies.

At the end of this course, participants will:

- Demonstrate knowledge of HIV/AIDS medicines and medial supplies quantification and procurement processes, and suggest ways in which they can maintain and/or improve quality and effectiveness of the two processes.

- Demonstrate knowledge of the quantification process and conduct quantification using both the consumption and morbidity based quantification methods.

- Be familiar with the different financing mechanisms for HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies and suggest practical tools for decision making in order to improve supply chain performance.

- Establish and maintain an efficient HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies procurement and supply management plans suitable for their work settings.

- Monitor and evaluate the supply chain for HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies.

Target Audience

The course is suitable for those involved in or intending to join HIV/AIDS control program activities especially, procurement and Supply chain managers, central/regional medical stores managers, policy makers involved in preparation of national HIV/AIDS control policies, national HIV/AIDS control program officers and managers, and District/Regional HIV/AIDS control program managers/coordinators. It should be noted that some aspects of the course are also applicable to other programs like Tuberculosis & Leprosy control, and Neglected disease.

Outline of course content

The course covers the following major modules:

- Infrastructure and systems requirements for HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies logistics management.

- Procurement and supply chain management plans for HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies

- Quantification and procurement planning for HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies

- Global Financing mechanisms, cost saving through efficient quantification and procurement

- Supply chain Quality Assurance , Monitoring and Evaluation

- HIV/AIDS treatment guidelines, product selection and supplier prequalification

- Rational use of HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies

- Storage and distribution management for HIV/AIDS medicines and medical supplies

- Supply chain improvement project

- Field Visit

Course facilitation and Training Methodology

This course is participatory in nature and involves lectures, facilitated group discussion, exercises and case studies. The training will also include hands on field visit. Participants are provided with course reference materials for use during and after the training. The course facilitators come from i+solutions, WHO and a pool of independent pharmaceutical supply chain consultants. The broad experience of i+solutions in Pharmaceutical management support makes this course a unique opportunity for participants to share experiences and enhance their HIV/AIDS medicines and related products supply chain management knowledge and skills.

Location and Accommodation

The course will take place in the Netherlands. Hotel accommodations, educational and recreation excursions, as well as a transfer from and to the airport are included in the course fee.

Course Dates

20 April - 1 May 2009

Hotel check-in: Monday April 20th afternoon Hotel check-out: Saturday May 2nd morning

Course fees and costs

The total fee of €3.950 includes:

- Tuition fee (including course materials)

- Transfer to and from Amsterdam International airport (on April 20 and May 2nd only)

- Hotel accommodation (single occupancy) for the duration of the course

- Three meals a day during the week

- Coffee and tea during course breaks

In addition to this fee, each participant requires an allowance to cover personal expenses.

Health insurance

All participants are required to have valid health insurance for the duration of their stay. Sponsoring agencies are responsible for obtaining health insurance for their participants.


All participants, with the exception of those from the EU and USA, are required to obtain visas for the Netherlands. We would like to underline that the participant is responsible of getting a visa in time.

i+solutions can provide an invitation letter if required.


Applications and fees must be received as soon as possible and at the latest before the 20th of March 2009 in order to be guaranteed a place on the course. After this date places will be assigned on a first-come, first served basis.

For a copy of the application form, please visit our website or contact:


Training Department


Tel: +31 348 489630

Direct line: +31 348 489643/646

Fax: +31 348 489659

Fees are due at the time the application is submitted.


Course space is allocated as soon as the application is received. Enrolment for the course is limited to encourage maximum participant involvement

Sponsor Information

Applicants are required to secure their own funding to cover course fee, per diem allowance, health insurance and travel expenses. Course providers do not provide funding for courses. To obtain funding, applicants should contact government or non-government agencies in their countries.