[e-lek] Thank you for your support to E-DRUG!

Dear colleague

On behalf of all E-DRUG, E-MED and E-LEK moderators I would like to thank
you for the financial support that you gave to E-DRUG since we took over
the server in February 2020.

We received 79 donations with a total value of €2241,34

   - €1100,87 in the E-Drug bank account
   - €774,99 (2021-22) and €365,48 (2020) via E-DRUG Paypal account

This enabled us to pay for the E-DRUG server, and this has kept the E-DRUG
system working.

Your support is greatly appreciated!

However, prices are going up, and our bank account is nearly empty?

So unfortunately I have to request if you could repeat your donation to
E-DRUG, or help us to find a sponsor for our annual costs of around €1100.

Our Paypal account: PayPal.Me

If you bank in Europe or a SEPA country, you can send Euros to:

IBAN: NL15ABNA0872172589
Name: W.J. Bannenberg

(as E-DRUG is not (yet) a legal entity, this is a personal account but only
used for E-DRUG)

E-med subscribers can write in French to carinne@e-drug.org
E-Lek subscribers can write in Russian to Liliya@e-drug.org

On behalf of all moderators,

Beverley Snell, Kirsten Myhr, Richard Laing, Carinne Bruneton, and Liliya
Ziganshina and Wilbert Bannenberg


Wilbert Bannenberg, Founder and co-moderator of E-drug

Moderator email: e-drug-mod@e-drug.org

General enquiries: info@e-drug.org

Private email: wilbert@e-drug.org

Donate to E-drug! PayPal.Me

E-drug listinfo and subscribing:

You can submit only messages from your subscribed email address!

E-drug archives: http://lists.healthnet.org/archive/html/e-drug/

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hi Liliya,
am testing by replying to you

The message arrived, Wilbert!
Take care,