Dear colleague
On behalf of all E-DRUG, E-MED and E-LEK moderators I would like to thank
you for the financial support that you gave to E-DRUG since we took over
the server in February 2020.
We received 79 donations with a total value of €2241,34
- €1100,87 in the E-Drug bank account
- €774,99 (2021-22) and €365,48 (2020) via E-DRUG Paypal account
This enabled us to pay for the E-DRUG server, and this has kept the E-DRUG
system working.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
However, prices are going up, and our bank account is nearly empty?
So unfortunately I have to request if you could repeat your donation to
E-DRUG, or help us to find a sponsor for our annual costs of around €1100.
Our Paypal account: PayPal.Me
If you bank in Europe or a SEPA country, you can send Euros to:
IBAN: NL15ABNA0872172589
Name: W.J. Bannenberg
(as E-DRUG is not (yet) a legal entity, this is a personal account but only
used for E-DRUG)
E-med subscribers can write in French to
E-Lek subscribers can write in Russian to
On behalf of all moderators,
Beverley Snell, Kirsten Myhr, Richard Laing, Carinne Bruneton, and Liliya
Ziganshina and Wilbert Bannenberg
Wilbert Bannenberg, Founder and co-moderator of E-drug
Moderator email:
General enquiries:
Private email:
Donate to E-drug! PayPal.Me
E-drug listinfo and subscribing:
You can submit only messages from your subscribed email address!
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