E-MED: Fondation DNDi: 1er appel � propositions
[La fondation DNDi soutenue par Msf lance son premier appel � propositions
pour financer des travaux de recherche sur de nouveaux m�dicaments pour
soigner la trypanosomiase, la maladie de Chagas et les leischmanioses...as
you can see in english only! date limite le 15 mars 2003.CB]
Drugs for negleted Diseases initiative
Human African Trypanosomiasis, Chagas Disease,
Funding for collaborative projects
from drug discovery to advanced development
The Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) is a not-for-profit
entity established in partnership with M�decins Sans Fronti�res, Oswaldo
Cruz Foundation/Far Manguinhos, the Indian Council of Medical Research,
Institut Pasteur, the Ministry of Health of Malaysia, and the Kenya Medical
Research Institute, with WHO/TDR as a permanent observer. Its goal is to
develop effective, safe, affordable and field-adapted drugs by addressing
the needs of patients suffering from the most neglected communicable
diseases. The DNDi acts in the public interest to bridge the existing gaps
in research and development for essential drugs for neglected diseases such
as sleeping sickness, Chagas disease, and leishmaniasis.
The DNDi wishes to identify research opportunities to address unmet medical
needs and initiate and coordinate drug R&D projects in collaboration with
the international research community, the public sector, the pharmaceutical
industry, and other relevant partners. In addition, the DNDi will support
the implementation of research projects, including those in collaboration
with South-South and North-South R&D networks.
The DNDi aims to build its R&D portfolio with drug discovery projects
(targeted at the identification of novel drug development candidates) and
drug development projects (taking candidate compounds through the different
stages of development to the point where they can be registered and
recommended for use).
DNDi wishes to continue to expand its project portfolio. In addition to the
ongoing proactive project identification, DNDi is inviting letters of
interest for drug discovery and drug development projects focusing on human
African trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease, and leishmaniasis.
Drug Discovery Projects are those directed at the discovery and
identification of lead compounds for development of new chemical entities to
be entered into pre-development studies. Projects both at early and late
stages in the discovery process qualify.
Drug Development Projects are those at the transitioning, pre-development
and development stages. In addition to the development of new chemical
entities (which can be at any of the above-mentioned stages), the DNDi will
also consider:
� Reformulation of an existing drug to be better adapted to the conditions
of use or to the target population
� Extension of indication of an existing drug to include one of the target
� Extension of registration to other geographical areas
� New regimens and combinations of existing drugs.
This invitation is open to the entire scientific community and the DNDi will
consider all research and activities likely to lead to new drugs for these
neglected diseases. Applications from academic groups and biotechnology or
pharmaceutical companies, as well as from collaborative efforts between
academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies are welcome.
Projects involving North-South and South-South collaborations and projects
conducted in association with scientific groups from disease-endemic
countries are highly encouraged.
Letters of interest must be no more than three pages in length.
If you have several approaches or project proposals that you would like to
submit for consideration, please submit each as a separate application.
As the letter must be relatively brief, please restrict your application to
the following points:
1. Rationale for the project.
2. Project status � Stage of project, i.e., target identification, target
validation, lead compound identification, lead compound optimization,
transitioning, pre-development, development (pre-clinical, phase I, II,
3. A clear description of the research activities proposed
� For lead compounds and development projects, provide chemical structures.
� For drug discovery projects, outline of all steps involved in the
identification and optimization of a candidate molecule and all issues that
will need to be addressed.
� For drug development projects, address the following issues:
� Evidence of in vivo efficacy
� Preferably, indication of safety
� Whenever applicable, elements of chemical feasibility (ease of synthesis;
yield; stability; cost-of-goods; supplies; scalability) and pharmaceutical
feasibility (bioavailability; stability in tropical climates; scalability)
� A summary of the entire development plan, with budget estimates for each
� Indication of affordability, sustainability, suitability of the drug and
its impact on disease control efforts and strategies.
4. Project leaders, resource requirements (consumables, personnel, etc.),
and the specific areas where DNDi funding is required for the complete and
thorough development of a drug discovery project.
Following receipt of the letters of interest, projects will be judged by
relevance, scientific merit, and likelihood of success.
A pre-selection of projects will be made by DNDi�s Scientific Advisory
Detailed written proposals will then be sought from the principal
investigators of the chosen projects. Following a detailed review by the
Scientific Advisory Committee, final decisions on selection and financial
support will be made by the DNDi�s Board of Directors.
The ultimate goal of obtaining effective, safe, affordable and field-adapted
drugs addressing the needs of neglected patients will guide the project
selection process.
Letters of interest should be submitted electronically in a Word or Pdf
document to the email address submissions@dndi.org no later than March 15,
All information will be kept strictly confidential.
For more information on DNDi, please visit www.dndi.org
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