AFRO-NETS> 2002 Essentials of HIV/AIDS Program Planning Course

2002 Essentials of HIV/AIDS Program Planning Course

3-7 August 2002
Seattle, Washington, USA

Dear Colleagues:

The USAID Synergy Project, implemented by TvT Associates in collabo-
ration with the University of Washington, is pleased to announce the
second annual Essentials of HIV/AIDS Program Planning course to be
held from August 3-7, 2002 in Seattle, Washington.

1. Course content:
The Essentials of HIV/AIDS Program Planning course is based on the
five-module Synergy APDIME framework for Assessment, Strategic Plan-
ning, Design, Implementation Monitoring, and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS
prevention, care and treatment interventions in resource-constrained
settings. The course is designed to assist program managers in formu-
lating HIV/AIDS and STI intervention strategies, addressing priori-
ties for rapid scale-up, using research-to-practice approaches to in-
form programming decisions, and establishing systems for monitoring
and evaluation (M&E).

2. Proposed profile of course participants:
Ideally, candidates will work for local NGOs, as well as public and
private sector organizations engaged in the planning, management, or
monitoring of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment, and impact miti-
gation activities at national, regional and community levels.

3. Expected results:
Upon course completion, participants will be equipped to take their
new knowledge and skills back to their host organizations and apply
them to improved programming for HIV/AIDS.

4. Funding:
Please note that course organizers will not be able to provide schol-
arship funding for participants, however, we encourage interested ap-
plicants to begin seeking funding early on from local or interna-
tional funding agencies, as needed.

For more information about the 2002 Essentials of HIV/AIDS Program
Planning course, including application details and costs, please con-
sult the course website at:

Please feel free to share this information with others whom you feel
would benefit from the training.

Thank you.

Tonja Cullen

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