Synergy Essentials of HIV/AIDS Program Planning Course
25-30 October 2004
Accra, Ghana
Using a variety of learning modalities-including case studies,
group exercises, and site visits-this course is designed to
build capacity at the country level for the management of ex-
panded resources for HIV/AIDS. It will assist program managers
to formulate intervention strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention,
care, and treatment; to address priorities for rapid scale-up;
to use evidence-based approaches to inform programming deci-
sions; and to establish systems for Strategic Information, in-
cluding surveillance, targeted evaluation, and operations re-
This course is appropriate for:
* individuals with new responsibility for HIV/AIDS program de-
sign, management, and implementation;
* those involved in the rapid scale-up of HIV/AIDS care, treat-
ment, and prevention programs, and
* NGO, FBO, CBO HIV/AIDS program managers; managers of public-
or private-sector programs, members of networks of people liv-
ing with HIV/AIDS, and donor representatives.
The deadline for course applications is July 30, 2004. For ap-
plication information visit:
Laurette Cucuzza