[afro-nets] 2nd Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights

2nd Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights

19th-21st June 2006
Nairobi, Kenya



The African Federation for Sexual Health and Rights (Fédération
Africaine pour la Santé et Droits Sexuels) in collaboration with
the Africa Regional Office of Planned Parenthood Federation of
America-International (PPFA-I) is pleased to make a Call for Ab-
stracts for the 2nd Africa Conference on Sexual Health and
Rights to be held in Nairobi, Kenya on 19th-21st June 2006. The
theme of this conference will be "Sexuality, Economics and De-
velopment in Africa".

Individuals and institutions wishing to submit abstracts for
oral and poster presentation at the Conference are invited to
make their submissions. As a requirement for acceptance, the ab-
stract must cover: the proposed thematic areas; set out the gen-
eral interest for the participants at the Conference; and de-
scribe the contents of the presentation and its contribution to
the development of Sexuality, Economics and Development in Af-
rica. Any research undertaken must have the arguments considered
pertinent and show originality and innovation.


a. Sexuality and Sexual Health
b. Sexuality, HIV/AIDS and Emerging Therapies
c. Sexual and Domestic Violence
a. Child Abuse
b. Vulnerable Groups
d. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
e. Abortion
f. Culture, Sexuality and Sexual Rights
g. Sexuality Education
h. Contemporary Issues in Sexuality
i. Sexuality and Religion
j. Family Planning in the era of HIV/AIDS
k. Partnerships in Sexual Health and Rights
l. Sexuality and Economics
m. Programming for Sexual Health and Rights


1. Abstracts should be submitted for both poster and oral pres-
2. Abstracts should be submitted in English.
3. Content of abstracts:
* Abstract Title
* Type of Presentation (oral or poster presentation)

Write the name(s) of author(s), institution(s), contact address,
city and country, email address with the name of the presenting
author appearing first on your list.

All abstracts should include separate paragraphs describing:
o Background and Objectives
o Findings/Lessons Learnt
o Conclusions

Abstracts reporting on scientific research should also include a
description of methods and/or materials immediately following
the introduction.

Abstracts should include five (5) key words describing the pres-

Indicate audiovisual equipment required for your presentation.
If you plan to use videotape, specify the system and format.

4. Abstracts should not exceed 400 words.
5. Abstracts will be promptly acknowledged on receipt.

Abstracts should be sent to:
Conference Organizer
Africa Regional Office
Planned Parenthood Federation of America-International
1st Floor, Chaka Place, Argwings Kodhek Road
P. O. Box 53538-00200
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-272-7049-52
Fax: +254-20-271-7013