Call for Abstracts: 3rd African Conference on sexual health and rights
4 � 7 February 2008
Abuja, Nigeria
Theme: Sexuality, Poverty And Accountability In Africa
The Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC), a project of Action Health Incorporated (AHI), under the auspices of the African Federation for Sexual Health and Rights is pleased to call for abstracts for the 3rd African Conference on Sexual Health and Rights to be held in February 2008 in Abuja Nigeria. The theme of this conference is "Sexuality, Poverty and Accountability in Africa."
Individuals and institutions wishing to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the conference are invited to make their submissions. As a requirement for acceptance, the abstract must cover the proposed thematic areas; set out the general interest for the participants at the conference; describe the contents of the presentation and its contributions to the theme of Sexuality, Poverty and Accountability in Africa. The conference will focus especially on issues affecting women and youth. Any research undertaken must have pertinent arguments and show originality and innovation.
Relevant sub-themes and topics for the conference include, but will not be limited to:
1. Law, Sexuality and Health
o Laws and legal issues around sexuality and sexual health
o Protection of sexual health and rights
o Sexualities challenging legal boundaries
o Sexuality, law and secularization
2. Poverty, Reproduction and Family
o Political economy of reproduction
o Access to reproductive services and technology
o Social power, relationships, and reproductive choice
3. Youth and Sexualities
o Youth sexual desire and expression
o Young people's sexual health
o Participation and young people's sexual well-being
o Intergenerational relationships
4. Sexuality Education
o Local discourses and politics of sexuality education
o Cost and benefits of sexuality education
o Sexual literacy
o Media, technology and sexuality education
5. Vulnerabilities, Youth and Sexuality
o Sexual health and rights of vulnerable youth
o Social and economic exclusion and youth's sexual well-being
6. Women's Sexuality
o Body, health and well-being
o Women's rights to pleasure and desire
o Femininity and sexual expression
7. Gender Based Violence
o Sexual violence
o Forced marriage
o Harmful practices and sexual well-being
8. HIV and AIDS, Rights and Accountability
o Culture, pleasure and HIV prevention
o Access to treatment and care
o HIV and Sexual rights
o HIV and Reproductive Health and rights
9. (Im)Mobility, Sexuality and well-being
o Migration and sexual well-being
o Forced migration, Trafficking and sexual health and rights
o Sexuality and well-being in chronic illness
Abstract Format:
1. Abstract should be submitted for both poster and oral presentations.
2.Abstract should be submitted in English or French.
3.Content of abstract:
. Conference Sub-theme under which the abstract is submitted.
. Abstract Title
. Type of presentation (oral or poster presentation).
. The names of the authors (presenting author should appear first), institutions, city, and country.
. Abstracts should be no longer than 400 words.
. All abstracts should include separate paragraphs describing :
o Background and objectives
o Issues/methods
o Findings
o Conclusions
. Abstracts reporting on scientific research should also include a description of methods and/ or materials immediately following the introduction.
. Be sure to include 5 key words describing your presentation in the designated box and up to 3 numbers from the scientific topics chart that best reflect the content of your proposed presentation.
. Indicate audio visual equipment required for your presentation. If you plan to use videotape, specify the system and format.
Abstracts should be sent by July 31st 2007 to:
Conference Coordinator
3rd Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights
Tel: 234 1 774 3745
Fax: 234 342 5496
Receipt of all abstracts will be promptly acknowledged.
Olusegun Sangowawa
Programme Officer Information Services
Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre
17 Lawal Street, Off Oweh Street, Jibowu,
PO. Box 803
Sabo, Yaba
Lagos State
Tel: +234-1-7919307