[afro-nets] Online Discussion on Sexual Rights

Online Discussion on Sexual Rights

"Debating Sexual Rights in Africa"

Dear Colleagues,

Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC) invites you to
a forthcoming, time-limited structured and moderated discussion
on the topic:


This Discussion will take place on the ARSRC electronic discus-
sion forum from August 15th - October 15th 2005. To participate,
click on the link below and sign up with your name and the coun-
try in which you work.
http://forums.arsrc.org/ OR http://www.arsrc.org

The overall aim of this discussion is to promote more informed
public dialogue on human sexuality, share experiences and raise
awareness about issues of 'Sexual Rights in Africa'. It will
hopefully contribute to positive changes in relevant policies
and programmes in Africa. Sexuality remains a taboo in Africa,
not to be spoken about in the private sphere and not so widely
discussed in the public sphere.

Violations of sexual and bodily rights in all forms are preva-
lent in Africa. Specific areas of concern that constitute human
rights violations include marital as well as other forms of
rape, early marriage, wife inheritance, domestic violence and
Female Genital Cutting (FGC). There is the need to also promote
the rights of sexual minorities, unmarried mothers and adoles-
cents. Young people have a right to prevent unwanted pregnan-
cies, to have unhindered access to sexual health services and to
be protected from unsafe abortions, among other practices that
impinge on their sexual health.

Sexuality and bodily rights form the core of human rights and
any bid to promote equality and empowerment of men and women in
Africa would remain incomplete unless sexual and bodily rights
are fully realized.

This discussion is an attempt to critically address the rela-
tionship between sexual rights, human rights and human sexual-
ity. We are inviting you to participate in the online discussion
so that you can share your views, knowledge and experience with
colleagues across the continent and beyond.

Though not an exhaustive list, discussions will explore the fol-
lowing areas:

- The roles and responsibility of legal systems in Africa, espe-
cially civil codes, penal codes, customary law, family law in
protecting and promoting the sexual rights of women, and the
need to revisit the implementation of laws within evolving so-
cial norms and traditions.

- The role of research in developing, disentangling sexuality
and gender in Africa

- Sexual rights and what it means in Africa at the national and
individual levels, within the context of HIV and AIDS

- How do cultural practices and socialization processes affect
the sexual rights of men and women in Africa taking into account
the fact that these vary widely across countries and ethnici-

- Sexuality issues at the personal and family level and the im-
pact on women's sexual health

- The interrelatedness of gender and sexuality with sexual
health, and sexual rights

Please note that you can post a text or join in the discussion
of any of the topics at anytime.

Kindly share this information with your friends and colleagues,
who might have an interest in the subject of Sexual Rights.

Looking forward to reading you soon online.

P.S. Should you have any challenges signing-up or posting a mes-
sage, please contact me:

Olusegun Sangowawa
Programme Officer Information Services
Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC)
17 Lawal Str, Off Oweh Str.
Jibowu, Yaba
Lagos State, Nigeria
Tel: +234-1-791-9307