Africa Fellowships (South African MRC)
South African Medical Research Council and South African AIDS
Vaccine Initiative Africa Fellowships.
The South African Medical Research Council (MRC) and the South
African AIDS Vaccine Initiative (SAAVI) invite applications for
one-year travelling research fellowships in health research, with
preference given to proposals which address the MRC�s research
priorities (see below) and particularly to those addressing
HIV/AIDS research.
While applications for shorter periods of three to twelve months
may be considered, applications for the full twelve-month period
are encouraged. The purpose of the fellowship is to build re-
search capacity and strengthen research collaboration within Af-
rica and between African scientists. The fellowship may be held
in South Africa for non-South African applicants, or in any other
African country for South African applicants.
The award will cover the fellow's return economy airfare from
home to host country, the fellow's salary (to a maximum of two
hundred thousand South African rand) in the host country, and re-
search costs (to a maximum of one hundred thousand South African
rand) for research undertaken in the host country. Four such fel-
lowships may be awarded. Applicants providing proof of a research
doctorate or equivalent in a health related area including,
health economics, nursing or public health will be considered.
Applicants that do not hold a research doctorate or equivalent
must have proven research capabilities.
They must be citizens of an African country, currently working in
that country, and must be able to provide assurance that there is
a position to return to in their home country on completion of
the fellowship. The host institution must be a university or re-
search institute, including research councils and government
laboratories but excluding industrial laboratories. The host must
be a member of staff of the host institution.
Application process:
The application process is initiated by the submission of a pre-
liminary application to the MRC. The preliminary application will
be evaluated by an MRC nominating committee and successful pre-
liminary applicants will be asked to submit a full application
(in a prescribed format) that will be sent out for independent
peer review. The MRC nominating committee will then make recom-
mendations for the award of the fellowship based on the reports
received from the independent external assessors. Successful ap-
plicants may commence work as soon as visa requirements have been
fulfilled. The South African Department of Home Affairs requires
applicants to apply in the category of visitors visa in terms of
section 11(ii)(cc) of the Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No 13 of
2002). Applicants may not enter South Africa and apply from
within the country, they must enter on the correct permit with
the correct endorsement.
To be considered for this fellowship, applicants must submit a
preliminary application with the following information: full cur-
riculum vitae of the visiting fellow and host researcher, includ-
ing full publications lists and reliable telephone, cellu-
lar/mobile phone, fax and e-mail contact details, a letter of
support from the host researcher, a letter from the home institu-
tion assuring a post to return to after completion of the fellow-
ship, a 2-page project outline prepared in consultation with the
host researcher, a preliminary budget in South African Rand to
cover the fellow�s salary, return airfare and reasonable research
costs. In addition, three letters of support for the applicant
must be submitted by the applicant�s referees under separate
cover. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be consid-
MRC's research priorities:
please refer to the following URL:
The MRC's six National Programmes focus on: Molecules to Disease,
Health Systems and Policy, Women and Child Health, Infection and
Immunity, Non-communicable Diseases, Environment and Development.
The Lead Programmes focus on: HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Crime, vio-
lence and injury, Malaria, Genetics and Genomics.
Cross-cutting programmes: Ethics and human rights, Capacity De-
velopment, Culture and Indigenous Knowledge, Information and
Knowledge Management, Health Promotion, Intellectual Property.
Applicants must send a preliminary application to the MRC by Fri-
day 31 October 2003. Incomplete and/or late applications will not
be considered. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the
preliminary application by Friday 14 November 2003. The full ap-
plication, in the prescribed format which will be sent with the
invitation to submit a full application, must reach the MRC by
Monday 5 January 2004. Applicants will be notified of the nomi-
nating committee's final decision by the end of March 2004.
Applications and queries must be sent by post, courier, e-mail or
facsimile to:
Ms Carole Roberts
Director, Office of International Affairs
Medical Research Council
P O Box 19070
Tygerberg 7505, South Africa
Street address for hand/courier delivery:
Medical Research Council
Francie van Zijl Drive
Parowvalley 7500, South Africa
Tel: +27-21-938-0359
Fax: +27-21-938-0239
Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.
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