[afro-nets] Masters Degree Fellowships

Masters Degree Fellowships
HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria Research and Training

University of the Witwatersrand, Graduate School
Johannesburg, South Africa

The Graduate School, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
the Witwatersrand is dedicated to building health research ca-
pacity in South Africa and the SADC region. The School is invit-
ing applications for fellowships (sponsored by the Belgian Em-
bassy) to enable trainees to undertake full time master�s level
training in the Faculty of Health Sciences. These fellowships
are intended to encourage young scientists and professionals
working at national institutions (Ministries of Health, Univer-
sities and Research Institutions) to obtain skills that they can
apply to address priority problems in the field of HIV/AIDS, tu-
berculosis and malaria.

Fellowships are available for applicants who have obtained ad-
mission in one of the Schools in the Faculty of Health Sciences
and that leads to a MSc(Med), MMed, MDent or MPH degree. Appli-
cants are expected to have a good first degree preferably a
minimum of 2.1 degree pass in medicine, dentistry, basic or ap-
plied sciences, biochemistry, immunology or biological sciences.
Trainees will be encouraged to base their thesis, dissertation
or research report on a topic in the field of HIV/AIDS, tubercu-
losis or malaria.

Each fellowship will cover full tuition (including books),
board, medical insurance, return air-ticket from home country
(if applicable) and normal living expenses for a candidate en-
rolled into a master�s programme of 1-2 years duration. No pro-
vision is made for payments to support dependants.

Four fellowships are available beginning 2005 to eligible appli-
cants. These will be allocated on the basis of applicants sub-
mitting a letter of admission into a Masters programme from the
relevant school or department in the Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of the Witwatersrand. In addition applicants should
submit a 1 page statement of motivation for their application
and preferably with a letter of support from a prospective su-
pervisor in the faculty.

Apply directly, preferably by fax or e-mail, and with the rele-
vant supporting material including a a recent CV to:

Mrs Alison Mclean
Postgraduate Office: Faculty of Health Sciences
University of the Witwatersrand
7 York Road, Parktown 2193
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27-11-717-2075
Fax: +27-11-717 2119

NB: Applications not meeting the minimum requirements will not
be considered.

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Graduate School, Faculty of Health Sciences

Application Form

Please fill this form and return it with a motivation statement
for wanting to participate in this training programme before
31st October 2004

I would like to apply for a fellowship to enable me to enroll
into a master�s degree in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The proposed master�s course would be by:
[ ] Course work for months beginning 2004
[ ] Course work and Dissertation for months beginning
[ ] Thesis Work for months beginning 2004

Name of Applicant: Surname:

First Name/s:

Country of Origin:


Name of Supervisor or Postgraduate Coordinator:


Mailing Address:



Cell phone:


Name of Supervisor and his/her research interests in the field
of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or malaria: