AFRO-NETS> Africa Health Journal

Africa Health Journal

Hi Paul:

In response to yours, I am writing to let you know I am one of the Af-
ricans on the list. Unfortunately, I don't live in Africa at the moment
-- but in the U.S. I do health research on Africa (reproductive and ma-
ternal health, HIV, etc.) and would be interested in your journal. Un-
fortunately, I don't think we get this journal in my library. If you
don't mine, could you send me a copy of the journal --- please

I will definitely submit a paper to the journal as well -- if I know
the focus and issues of interest to the J. Should you decide to send me
a copy, do forward it to this address:

Baffour K. Takyi, PhD
Dept. of Sociology, Olin 266
University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-1905, USA
Tel: +1-330-972-6887
Fax: +1-330-972-5377

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