AFRO-NETS> African co-researchers sought

African co-researchers sought

Some co-researchers and myself (psychologist & sociologist) in the
U.S. are interested in applying for a US federal grant just announced
on AIDS in Africa. The research we have in mind is a follow-up and
extension of some research that we are just finalizing for submission
on sexual trust and behaviors. To briefly summarize, we found for a
small African-American population in the Southeastern U.S. that:

1) There is a significant dimension of sexual romantic trust, with a
small group of "distrusters" at one end of the continuum.

2) The distrusters are more likely to have had a promiscuous sexual
history and a greater associated rate of STD's.

3) Preliminary data seems to indicate that the trust continuum is em-
bedded in a more general human dimension of trust/distrust, with
mother attachment having a possible causal role.

We are interested in extending these findings to other populations &
cultures, and see its relevance to AIDS/STD's as a potential psycho-
metric aid in isolating risky populations, and as a potential theo-
retical resource for the design of interventions. The grant that we
are interested in requires collaborative work between U.S. and Afri-
can researchers, and thus we seek potential collaborators within the
African Academic or health care communities. Interested parties can
contact me directly at the e-mail address listed below.

Thank you.

Dr. Geoffrey L. Collier
Department of Psychology and Sociology
South Carolina State University

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