AFRO-NETS is about malaria (4)
Even if AFRO-NETS is not just about malaria, I have a question
concerning malaria control, in a sense.
In an ongoing research study on the use of bednets among preg-
nant women in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, our re-
search team provides care for those participants who -- despite
receiving free prophylaxis and insecticide impregnated bednets
at enrollment -- end up with clinical malaria anyway. It is part
of the study protocol that we provide drugs and possible hospi-
talization for those women.
The problem is that when our researchers read the patient re-
ports (completed by nurses at local health clinics) it is obvi-
ous that only a small percentage of those women really have
clinical malaria. They are often misdiagnosed. Since they do not
have malaria, their medical care is not covered by our research
protocol -- though we assured their care anyway.
So here is my question: does anyone know of current initiatives
in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Francophone Africa, dedi-
cated to improvement of the case-management of malaria?
Stuart Rennie
Research Assistant Professor in Bioethics
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill 27599-7450
Tel: +1-919-966-3585
Fax: +1-919-966-6761