[afro-nets] RFI: Case-Management of Malaria (3)

RFI: Case-Management of Malaria (3)

Dear Tom,

Thanks so much for this wealth of information. It would have
taken me forever to find this myself, and I will forward this
immediately to those working in the field in Kinshasa, and to
those of us in the research team here in the US.

In addition, think your message really shows what AFRO-NETS is
about, or should be about -- exchanging useful health informa-
tion in order to try to make a real difference in Africa.


Stuart Rennie
Research Assistant Professor in Bioethics
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 27599-7450
Tel: +1-919-966-3585
Fax: +1-919-966-6761
mailto stuart_rennie@DENTISTRY.UNC.EDU
Website: http://bioethics.unc.edu
Blog: http://globalbioethics.blogspot.com