[afro-nets] AIDS Vaccine 2005 - International Conference

AIDS Vaccine 2005 - International Conference

6 to 9 September, 2005
Montr�al, Qu�bec, Canada

First Announcement

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my great pleasure
to invite you to attend the AIDS Vaccine 2005 International Con-
ference to be held from September 6-9, 2005 in Montr�al, Qu�bec,
Canada. This meeting allows us to gather scientists from all
fields with a special interest in the development of vaccines to

The ravages of HIV infection on humanity are reaching unprece-
dented levels with the numbers of new infections and deaths due
to HIV infection still on the rise. The epidemic is spreading to
unchartered territories. An HIV prophylactic vaccine remains the
only hope left for millions of individuals around the world to
stop the damage created by this disease. It is a moral obliga-
tion for our society to gather its forces and resources and to
commit to initiate all the efforts needed for the development of
an HIV vaccine. At our last meeting in Lausanne, a true atmos-
phere of collegiality and collaboration was evident providing a
real feeling of hope. It is important to keep up this momentum
and continue to explore in a multidisciplinary and multisecto-
rial mode the different avenues that will allow us, as an inter-
national community, to reach this goal, which at time has ap-
peared to be so elusive.

This conference is a critical one. It should build up on the mo-
mentum set in Lausanne. This conference will not only allow the
intense exchange of ideas and results in an open and transparent
atmosphere but it will also allow the formulation of innovative
concepts and a global strategy to reach these objectives. It
will bring together scientists from all sectors including basic,
clinical sciences and epidemiology. It will also allow to foster
exchanges and knowledge transfer between scientists from the de-
veloped and developing world. We sincerely hope that many of you
will come to share, exchange and learn about the research find-
ings for the development of a successful HIV vaccine.

The conference site is located in the heart of the city and
close to historic Old Montr�al at the Sheraton Center. We look
forward to seeing you in Montr�al.

Rafick-Pierre S�kaly
Aids Vaccine 2005 International Conference

Conference Secretariat:
Tel: +1-418-658-6755
Fax: +1-418-658-8850

All logistic and scientific information will SOON be available
on http://www.aidsvaccine2005.org