AFRO-NETS> Workshop towards the Development of a Nigeria National HIV vaccine

Workshop towards the Development of a Nigeria National HIV vaccine

15th to 17th January 2001
Abuja, Nigeria

Dear Colleagues,

This serves to inform all interested people that there will be a "Con-
sensus workshop towards the Development of a Nigeria National HIV vac-
cine". The workshop will be held at the Federal Secretariat Conference
Room, Abuja on 15th to 17th January 2001. It is being jointly organized

Participants will be drawn from different areas in the fight against
HIV/AIDS. Nigerian at home and Diaspora are expected to be present.

The objectives of the workshop include to:

(1) bring together Nigerians at home and Diaspora as well as organiza-
    tions working in the area of HIV vaccine research;

(2) establish strategies for the development of the different aspects
    related to availability and the production of safe, effective and af-
    fordable HIV vaccines for various HIV subtypes prevalent in Nigeria;

(3) develop a national draft policy for the development, availability
    of safe, effective and affordable vaccines for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria;

(4) initiate a coordinated and integrated approach to HIV vaccine re-
    search in Nigeria.

For more information contact:

Tsado Matthew

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