Anti-malaria prophylaxis for Southern Africa trip (4)
To Andrea & Frank,
Regarding the malaria situation as well as the question of prophylaxis
in the mentioned regions, the WHO states that everywhere there is a
malaria-risk, in the malignant (Pl.falciparum) form, moreover
resistance to chloroquine reported. As a previous expat we spent,-
(together with my family /wife and children/) also about seven years
in East Africa, and thanks for God we were and are free of malaria.
Being a WHO-expert, my advice would be to postpone this trip, taking
into consideration the age of kids. Second, the best prophylacticum
in the mentioned region is Lariam (mefloquine), but definitely not
for small kids,-up to 1 year of age. Third, for small kids Frank,s
recommendation seems to be OK,- BUT one MUST NOT forget to take
regularly (if it is necessary) every day the tablets!
Summing-up: must you go to this trip? The kids are very young,
and their health will depend on your decision!
Anyway, the decision is yours,- have a nice trip, if you will go.
Best regards,
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