[afro-nets] askMEDLINE: a free-text, natural language query tool

askMEDLINE: a free-text, natural language query tool for MED-

Here is an article of interest.


Madeleine Anne Decker
Documentation Officer
WHO Mozambique

askMEDLINE: a free-text, natural language query tool for MED-

by Paul Fontelo, Fang Liu, Michael Ackerman
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2005, 5:5

Adobe PDF file (14 pp. 120 kB):

"Plain language search tools for MEDLINE/PubMed are few. We
wanted to develop a search tool that would allow anyone using a
free-text, natural language query and without knowing special-
ized vocabularies that an expert searcher might use, to find
relevant citations in MEDLINE/PubMed. This tool would translate
a question into an efficient search. askMEDLINE might be a use-
ful search tool for clinicians, researchers, and other informa-
tion seekers interested in finding current evidence in MED-
LINE/PubMed. The text-only format could be convenient for users
with wireless handheld devices and those with low-bandwidth con-
nections in remote locations."

[To try it, go to: http://askmedline.nlm.nih.gov ]