Call for papers: Global theme issue on: Poverty and Human Development
Global theme issue on: Poverty and Human Development
WHO Bulletin joins 120 science journals around the world in inviting submissions on the topic of Poverty and Human Development, to be published in a Global Theme Issue in October 2007, organized by the Council of Science Editors.
This international collaboration is designed to raise awareness of, and stimulate research on, poverty and human development. More information on Global theme issue participants is available at
The journals plan to publish new original research, review articles, editorials, perspectives, news stories, and other types of articles on the subject of poverty and human development with a common publication or release date of Monday, October 22, 2007.
Some journals will dedicate an entire issue to this subject, others will publish a few papers, and still others plan to publish an editorial. Some journals with less frequent publication schedules plan to release these articles early online to coincide with the common release date.
Manuscripts should be submitted to by 1 April 2007, respecting the Guidelines for Contributors, accompanied by a cover letter mentioning this call for papers.
The Bulletin's guidelines for contributors and information on how to submit your manuscript can be found at: information for contributors.
Mrs. Ana Lucia Ruggiero (WDC)