Call for papers: Global theme issue on Poverty and Human
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
JIDC joins 120 science journals around the world in inviting
submissions on the topic of Poverty and Human Development, to be
published in a Global Theme Issue in October 2007, organized by
the Council of Science Editors.
This international collaboration is designed to raise awareness
of, and stimulate research on, poverty and human development.
More information on Global theme issue participants is available
JIDC plans to publish original papers, review articles,
editorials, perspectives, letters, and other types of articles
on the subject of poverty and human development link with
infections in Developing Countries with a common publication or
release date of Monday, October 22, 2007. JIDC will invite
reviews/articles around the following ideas:
Infectious disease in developing countries: The eyes of the
Orphan children in Africa and Infection Diseases;
Antibiotics, use and abuse or proscription and prescription;
Resources for developing countries: Open learning resources,
funding opportunities, who's who in developing country research;
Perspectives from the developing and developed worlds of
Other areas that pertain to Poverty and Human Development.
Manuscripts should be submitted to by
1 June 2007, respecting the Instructions for authors of JIDC, accompanied by a cover
letter mentioning this call for papers.
The editors of JIDC
Prof. Salvatore Rubino
Dip. di Scienze Biomediche
V.le San Pietro 43/b
07100 Sassari (Italy)
Tel: +39-079/228302
Fax: +39-079/212345