[afro-nets] Journal of Infection in Developing Countries (JIDC)

Journal of Infection in Developing Countries (JIDC)

JIDC will publish a selection of essays and profiles of
scientists working in least developed countries.

Call for Personal Essays

JIDC http://www.oloep.org/content.asp?id=678 will publish a
selection of essays and profiles of scientists working in least
developed countries.

JIDC joins over 160 science journals around the world in
inviting submissions on the topic of Poverty and Human
Development, to be published in a Global Theme Issue in October
2007, organized by the Council of Science Editors.

As part of the Global Theme Issue, JIDC seeks to highlight the
importance of and challenges associated with scientific research
in resource limited areas. JIDC will publish a selection of
essays and profiles of scientists working in least developed
countries. We encourage scientists at all stages of their
careers, who are addressing a variety of questions related to
infectious disease in developing countries, to send in a 500-
700-word essay describing the importance of their work, their
personal motivation and commitment as well as any roadblocks
that they must surmount to move their research forward.

The essays will be peer-reviewed and 6-8 will be selected for
publication in the Global Theme Issue. Each essay will be
accompanied by a brief biography to be commissioned by the
editorial office. We do not ask essayists to compose a biography
but request that brief curriculum vitae be included with each
submission to assist biographers. We seek to emphasize a range
of disciplines, geographical areas, and research challenges.
Achieving this diversity will therefore be a selection goal as
well as the quality of actual essays themselves. Scientists who
would rather compose their essays in another language may do so
provided that an English translation is also appended. Although
essays will be published in English, where possible, they will
be reviewed in the author's native language.

Essays and CVs should be submitted to:
mailto:lectures@oloep.org on or before March 30. Preliminary
inquiries may be addressed to the Editors.

Prof. Salvatore Rubino
Dip. di Scienze Biomediche
V.le San Pietro 43/b
07100 Sassari (Italy)
Tel: +39-079-228302
Fax: +30-079-212345