Call for roundtable participants: Disability, Poverty and the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
2 - 4 November 2004
Cresta Crossroads Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi
This is the first roundtable in a series of three that will look
at the links between poverty and development, and mainstreaming
disability in development. It is being organised by the Federa-
tion of Disability Organisations of Malawi (FEDOMA) and Health-
link Worldwide (UK) as part of the Disability Knowledge and Re-
search Programme:
The aim of the Malawi roundtable is to make explicit the links
between disability and poverty, and highlight the role that dis-
ability plays in working towards the achievement of the Millen-
nium Development Goals.
The roundtable will provide an opportunity for decision-makers
to learn from and hear the views and experiences of people with
disabilities, disabled people's organisations, and organisations
and institutions working on disability in the South, bridging
the communication gap between stakeholders at the grassroots
level and policy makers.
For further information about the roundtable and how to enrol
visit: or
The programme is also hosting an online discussion about dis-
ability, poverty and the MDGs. Please sign up at: from 7 October.
Or you can e-mail Niki Maniam at for more details.
The discussion will start on the 10 October 2004 and will be
moderated by AK Dube and FEDOMA.
Alison Sizer