[afro-nets] Called to Care toolkit no. 6: 'The Child Within'

The Child Within, by Judy Rankin, with Rev Renate Cochrane and the Khulakahle Child Counselling & Training Forum; 68 pages; published August 2008; ISBN 978-1-905746-08-8.

The Strategies for Hope Trust is pleased to announce the publication of 'The Child Within: connecting with children who have experienced grief and loss'. This 68-page workbook, containing numerous illustrations, was developed in collaboration with Masangane ('to embrace' in Xhosa), an orphan care project supported by the Moravian Church in South Africa's Eastern Province.

'The Child Within' arose out of a need expressed by volunteer caregivers who were experiencing serious difficulties in looking after orphaned children. The book breaks new ground in promoting resilience in children who have suffered grief and personal loss. It does so by enabling adults who are child care-givers - as parents, guardians, volunteers or professionals - to rediscover and appreciate their own 'child within'. Through structured workshop sessions, participants learn how to communicate more openly and effectively with children.

The book incorporates a Christian approach to children as 'a gift from the Lord' (Psalm 127:3), but can be used by a wide variety of community groups and organisations. Although based on professional research on child and adolescent development, the book is written in clear, simple language, and is easily accessible to non-professional child caregivers.

During the process of developing and testing the book, the Khulakahle ('to grow well' in Xhosa) Child Counselling & Training Forum was established, in order to carry on the work of training child caregivers.

'The Child Within' is book no. 6 in the Called to Care toolkit, published by the Strategies for Hope Trust in Oxford, U.K. To order copies, please contact TALC: e-mail: info@talcuk.org. Website: http://www.talcuk.org. Tel.: +44 1727 853869.

In South Africa, please contact the Christian Literature Fund (contact person: Amanda Carstens): e-mail: aidstrust@clf.co.za; amanda@clf.co.za. Website: www.clf.co.za. Tel.: +27 21 873 6964. Organisations based elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa that cannot afford to purchase the book may request a free copy from the Strategies for Hope Trust: sfh@stratshope.org.

The book can also be downloaded on the Strategies for Hope website: http://www.stratshope.org/b-cc-06-child.htm.

With many thanks and best wishes,


Glen Williams
Strategies for Hope Trust
93 Divinity Road
Oxford OX4 1LN, UK
Tel: +44 1865 723078
Fax: +44 1865 436069