CD-ROM - Abandoning Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Informa-
tion From Around the World (August 2005)
This CD-ROM, in English and French, is a collection of data and
research on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) from a
wide variety of sources. Funded by USAID, this resource is a di-
rect response to the findings of a 2004 survey, undertaken by
the Population Reference Bureau with four collaborating part-
ners, in which respondents said that serious information gaps on
FGM/C exist. The CD-ROM fills some of these information gaps,
particularly where the Internet is an expensive and unreliable
method of research, by including material on various approaches
used by organizations working toward abandonment of FGM/C, as
well as on statistics, training efforts, and policy aspects.
This resource is being disseminated to various NGOs and indi-
viduals worldwide.
Single copies of the CD-ROM are available free of charge, please
contact PRB at