AFRO-NETS> Cochrane Library Workshop for Librarians

Cochrane Library Workshop for Librarians

The 8th International Cochrane Colloquium is being held in Cape Town,
South Africa, from 25 until 29 October 2000. On the days preceding
the colloquium there is to be a number of satellite events. One such
event which will be very useful to especially librarians is the work-
shop outlined below.

To access information on the event please go to the following web-

The Cochrane Library, The Cochrane Collaboration and evidence-based
health care: an introduction for health care librarians and informa-
tion scientists.


Elizabeth Pienaar, Information Specialist, South African Cochrane
Centre and Carol Lefebvre, Information Specialist, UK Cochrane Cen-


To introduce the audience to the concepts of evidence-based health
care and discuss its relevance in Africa, and to promote The Cochrane
Library and the work of The Cochrane Collaboration.


The concepts of systematic reviews of health care interventions and
randomized controlled trials, and how they contribute to evidence-
based health care decision-making;

Evidence-based health care in Africa;

Overview of The Cochrane Collaboration and The Cochrane Library;

Demonstration of The Cochrane Library including how to search for
systematic reviews and reports of randomized controlled trials;

Accessing abstracts and synopses of Cochrane Reviews free of charge
on the internet;

Searching for systematic reviews and reports of randomized controlled
trials free of charge on MEDLINE;

Training health care librarians to use The Cochrane Library;

Demonstration of the Cochrane Reproductive Health Library (available
free of charge in developing countries).

Target audience:
health care librarians and information scientists from the public and
private sectors interested in learning more about the above topics.

full-day Date: Tuesday 24th October 2000

Venue: Good Hope Centre, Cape Town
Cost: US$ 20

Presenters include:

Ruth Frankish, formerly Cochrane Library Trainer, NHS Centre for Re-
views and Dissemination, University of York, UK

Helga Patrikios, University Deputy Librarian - Medical Library, Uni-
versity of Zimbabwe

Carol Lefebvre, Information Specialist, UK Cochrane Centre

Steve McDonald, Information Specialist, Australasian Cochrane Centre,

Louise Spruyt, Senior Scientist, South African Cochrane Centre

Maximum number of participants: 100

For more information please go to the website:

Miss Elizabeth D Pienaar
Information Scientist
South African Cochrane Centre
Medical Research Council
P O Box 19070
Tygerberg 7505, South Africa
Tel: +27-21-938-0835
Fax: +27-21-938-0836

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