AFRO-NETS> International Colloquium - Evidence for Action

International Colloquium - Evidence for Action
25-29 October, 2000
Cape Town, South Africa

The Cochrane Collaboration invites all health care providers, policy
makers, educators, consumers, researchers and the health care industry
to its eighth international colloquium.

Interactive sessions will focus on challenges that are unfolding as the
Cochrane Collaboration pursues its goal of preparing, updating and dis-
seminating systematic reviews of the effects of health care interven-
tions. The implications of evidence from Cochrane reviews of health
care practice, policy and research will also be considered. Case stud-
ies will provide a backdrop for discussions and priority topics will
include Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Pregnancy and Childbirth, To-
bacco Addiction and Heart Disease. Training in the methods of system-
atic review and meta-analysis will be provided at both beginner and ad-
vanced levels.

For regular updates of the Programme see the Colloquium website at:

Important deadlines:
Abstract submission 31 May 2000 and Early registration 1 June 2000

Abstract and registration forms can be obtained from the Colloquium
website or by contacting the Colloquium Secretariat at:
Tel +27-21-938-0433/0202
Fax +27-21-938-0395

To find out more about the Cochrane Collaboration visit our website at:

Miss Elizabeth D Pienaar
Information Scientist
South African Cochrane Centre
Medical Research Council
P O Box 19070
Tygerberg 7505, South Africa
Tel: +27-21-938-0835
Fax: +27-21-938-0836

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