AFRO-NETS> Community Based Service Delivery (CBD)

Community Based Service Delivery (CBD)

The Population Council's Africa Operations Research (OR) and Techni-
cal Assistance Project has conducted numerous studies on CBD in sub-
Saharan Africa. In general, findings from OR studies suggest that
community-based service delivery can contribute to contraceptive use.

The OR studies also provide programmatic recommendations for increas-
ing the role of CBD agents in the community, strengthening record-
keeping and reporting, and supervision, as well as recommendations
for improving cost-effectiveness and quality of care.

We have two comprehensive reports that we can share with interested

Chege, Jane Njeri and Ian Askew: An Assessment of Community-Based
Family Planning Programmes in Kenya. The Africa OR/TA Project II,
Nairobio, Kenya, January, 1997.

Phillips, James and Wendy Greene: Community-Based Distribution of
Family Planning in Africa: Lessons from Operations Research. The Af-
rica OR/TA Project I, New York, NY, November, 1993.

For a copy of these reports, please contact:

Nick Gouede
Communication Specialist
International Programs Division
Population Council
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Tel: +1-212-339-0611

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