Management of Community-Based Family Planning Programmes
May 18 - June 13, 1998
November 2 to 27, 1998
Nairobi, Kenya
organised by:
Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS)
Why the course?
Good management is critical to the success of community-based
services. This popular course addresses the specialised man-
agement and service delivery skills needed to design, imple-
ment and supervise CBD programmes. Participants also learn to
monitor and evaluate CBD programmes for results.
Course focus
- Group Dynamics and Inter-personal Communication
- CBD Programme Design
- Implementation of CBD Projects
- Integration of Services
- Targeting Population Sub-Groups
- Community Participation
- Information, Education and Communication
- Training
- Contraceptive Technology
- CBD Service Delivery Strategies
- Clinic Linkages and Service Integration
- Quality of Care
- Gender in FP/CBD Programmes
- Logistics
- Supervision
- Management Information Systems
- Evaluation
- Sustainability
- Fieldwork
- Presentation and Defense of Project Proposals
Course benefits
Participants will be able to:
- design, present and defend a CBD project proposal
- manage the implementation of CBD projects
- design and implement training for CBD agents and supervisors
- decide on and effect the integration of selected SRH compo-
nents into FP/CBD programmes.
Participants from national, regional or international agencies
currently supporting or co-ordinating community-based pro-
grammes or intending to do so in the near future. Organisa-
tions are encouraged to send groups of three to five managers
and/or supervisors of CBD projects in order to reinforce team-
work in the field.
Tuition: US$ 2,790.00
Tuition covers administrative and instructional costs, text,
materials, supplies, health insurance, field trips, airport
pickup and drop-off and certificate awards.
Air Travel and Per Diem
Airfare, transit expenses and per diem are the responsibility
of the sponsoring organisation.
All participants will stay in the hotel identified by CAFS and
will abide by the booking arrangements established by CAFS and
the hotel.
Accommodation costs: 50-60 US$ per day (Bed & Breakfast).
Meals: 25-30 US$ per day.
Applicants are advised to seek financial assistance from bi-
lateral and multilateral agencies and organisations operating
in their own countries such as USAID, CIDA, UNFFA, FAO, and
GTZ. In order to reserve a place in one of CAFS' courses, it
is advisable to indicate confirmed funding at least six weeks
before commencement of the course. Bilaterally funded partici-
pants are advised to ensure that payments are made by the
sponsoring agency before the training programme begins.
How to apply
Applicants should request and complete the course application
form in detail and mail to:
The Director, CAFS
Pamstech House
Woodvale Grove, Westlands
P.O. Box 60054 Nairobi, KENYA
Tel: +254-2-448-618
Fax: +254-2-448-621
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `'.
Mail administrative requests to `'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `'.