[afro-nets] Conference scholarships available

Conference scholarships available

Each year the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)
sponsors the National AIDS Update Conference in the United
States. The next conference will be held April 10-13, 2005, in
Oakland, California.

A limited number of scholarships to travel to and attend the
conference will be available to people working in HIV and AIDS
around the world. Those working in African countries are invited
to submit an application for free travel, hotel, and registra-
tion. Applicants should be prepared to give a presentation on
their work.

Scholarship applications will be available after October 15 and
can be accessed two ways:

* If you have internet access, you can find a description of the
conference and the scholarship application on:

* If you do not have internet access, please request the informa-
tion by writing to:
Robert Giannesca
120 Wall Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10005, USA

Yours truly,

Mark G. Winiarski, Ph.D.
NAUC Program Planning Committee member