Sexual and Reproductive Health
Course Dates:
11 May - 22 May 2009
Fees: US$600
Overall Objective
To give participant orientation to a holistic approach on Sexual and Reproductive Health as part of the general health of people and development
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Define and reach a consensus on what Sexual and Reproductive Health is.
2. Clarify perceptions of Sexual and Reproductive Health issues.
3. Link Reproductive Health with the overall health system.
4. Identify the link between Reproductive Health and human development.
5. Design a Reproductive Health Program.
6. Understand how to set up Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs at the community.
7. Identify and design approaches to the promotion of Reproductive Health.
8. Plan, implement, manage, monitor and evaluate Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs.
9. Explain the concept and components of gender in reproductive health
Course Organisation
The course is organized to fulfill the acquisition of knowledge to enable participants carry out the following learning objectives:-
* Conceptualising (conceiving ideas and molding them into tangible products).
* Planning (developing and determining a correct and clear path of progression and forward movement, breaking the program into manageable components, which are easy to track and redirect. It is often pragmatic to draw a matrix that presents you with a bird's eye view).
* Organising (identifying the right resources, defining their functions and operations, correctly assigning them tasks and giving task descriptions, setting targets and monitoring their achievements).
* Implementing (facilitating the most effective direction, co-coordinating, linking and supportive human resource management).
* Monitoring (tracking activities and resource expenditures, through an effective and well designed information system).
* Evaluating (assessing the progress of the strategic objectives through a results framework measurement).
* The RH manager and the role of regular service audit system, incorporating, self-audit and peer review.
* Re-planning (utilising the evaluation findings to review the original plans towards increasing efficiency and effectiveness).
* Financing and financial management (understanding the sources of financing and effective ways of finance mobilisation. Effective utilisation of available finances. Carrying out a cost effective and cost benefit analysis. Instituting a financial management system. Accounting, auditing and cost tracking).
* Getting the most out of the workers, techniques and practices in staff motivation.
* Setting, organising, equipping, staffing and managing RH clinics.
* Explain the relationship between gender and sexual and reproductive health.
* Understand the project cycle
* Design a gender sensitive community based sexual reproductive health project integrating health systems.
* Identify and design effective approaches for advocacy and promotion of sexual and reproductive health rights.
Apply Online on the link;
Download the short courses application form on link;
OR Contact the following persons:
Lydia Manoti
Nicholas Kiambi
Joan Mutero