Management and Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Rights Course
11th - 22nd April 2005
AMREF International Training Centre
Nairobi, Kenya
The course
The Sexual Reproductive Health course is aimed at providing op-
portunities for the participants to develop critical and in-
formed understanding of sexual and reproductive health educa-
tion, promotion, care management and right issues. The two-week
course will equip the participants with a wide range of knowl-
edge, skills and attitudes (competencies) to facilitate integra-
tions of comprehensive sexual reproductive health services in
the provision of health care services.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course participants would be able to:
* Understand the basic concepts of sexual and reproductive
health and its relations to overall health and human develop-
* Explain the concept and components of gender in sexual and re-
productive health
* Design community-level sexual reproductive health programmes
that are integrated with the overall health system.
* Plan, implement, manage, monitor and evaluate integrated sex-
ual and reproductive health programmes.
* Identify and design approaches for advocacy and promotion of
sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Target Group
The participants will include:
* Project/programme managers in Reproductive Health pro-
* Heads of programmes, projects or institutions assigned to man-
age Reproductive Health programs
The content includes but is not limited to:
* The traditionally well established Sexual and Reproductive
Health projects and programmes; family planning needs, safe
* Comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health care
within the primary health care context which will include:
- Quality family planning counseling, information, education,
communication and services,
- Prenatal, safe delivery and post-natal care, including breast-
- Prevention and management of complications of unsafe abortion
- Safe abortion services,
- Treatment of the reproductive tract infections, sexually
transmitted diseases including recognition that often they in-
crease the risk of HIV transmission and other conditions of re-
productive systems,
- Information and counseling on human sexuality, responsible
parenthood and sexual and reproductive health,
- Active prevention/eradication of harmful practices e.g. female
genital mutilation.
- Making reproductive health services available, accessible and
affordable with emphasis on the needs of underserved and vulner-
able groups including adolescents, the rural and urban poor com-
munities, people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and in-
ternally displaced and ensuring the safety and responsiveness of
services to women, men and adolescents
- Taking into consideration culture, ethnic and gender issues.
* Emerging issues of ARH such as HIV/AIDS pandemic, adolescent
sexuality and rights, pregnancy and consequences including rape.
* Gender equality in sexual and reproductive health and rights
* Field visits to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health
programs and services
* Advocacy, practice, promotion of Sexual and Reproductive
Health Rights
* Management and fundraising for SRH programmes
This is a 2 weeks course and will be held on 11th - 22nd April
2005. Costs US$ 480 to cover tuition, stationery, field visits,
learning materials, lunch and morning and afternoon tea with
Non residential course
This is a non residential course and therefore accommodation and
other living expenses are not included. Accommodation costs for
bed, dinner and breakfast at nearby hostels and hotels is ap-
proximately US$ 15 to US$ 35 depending on the available facili-
ties. If you request us we will assist you make your reserva-
tions at any of these facilities.
Fill in the application form on the web link
and return to us immediately for reservations.
Contact person
Joyce K. Mwaura
Training Directorate of Learning Systems
P O Box 00506 27691 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-605220 ext 224
Fax: +254-20-609518