E-mail Directory of Physicians in Africa
Dear All,
Centre for Health Policy and Strategic Studies (CHPSS), a private,
non-profit, health services research and programme-oriented organiza-
tion, located in Lagos, Nigeria, wishes to embark on a project aimed
at creating a country indexed e-mail directory of physicians in Af-
rica (preferably with a reputable publishing or development agency
The Directory will be a public document. It would serve as an e-mail
"yellow pages" as it were. The e-mail Directory would among other nu-
merous uses serve all interested parties world-wide to build con-
tact/bridges across and among physicians in Africa.
Any one interested to be listed in the Directory, should please send
an e-mail to: <chpss_abo@yahoo.com>. Insert in the subject line: "E-
mail Directory of Physicians in Africa". In the body of the mail,
please provide:
* Full name: SURNAME, First Name, Middle Name (if any)
* Professional title: Dr., Prof., etc.
* Contact street address
* Contact postal address
* City
* State or Province
* Country
* Telephone number: (to be listed as: +Country code-city code-local
telephone number)
* Fax number: (to be listed as: +Country code-city code-local tele-
phone number)
* E-mail address: work, home, others
* Professional affiliation/specialty: e.g. General Practitioner, Sur-
geon, Paediatrician, Public Health, Occupational Health, Genetics,
Microbiology, etc.
* Research Focus or Special interest(s) in no more than 10 words:
(e.g., HIV/AIDS research, STDS, Sickle Cell Disease, Hereditary dis-
eases, Gene mapping, etc.)
* Specify special listing request (if any)
Listing is voluntary and free of cost. However request for special
listing (e.g., bold type face and fonts greater than 12 points or
boxed listing) would incur a supplementary charge. The cost would be
made available on enquiry.
Closing date for receipt of mail for the first edition of the Direc-
tory is October 30, 2000
Directory would be made available to the public in hard copy and on
CD-ROM (hopefully before the end of this year).
Please help to spread the word among physician colleagues.
Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation.
All further enquiries regarding partnering interest are to be di-
rected to:
A. Odutola
34 Town Planning Way, Ilupeju
P.O. Box 7597
Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +234-1-470 1255
Fax: +234-1-263 5285
P.S.: To know more about CHPSS, visit:
Send mail for the `AFRO-NETS' conference to `afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-afro-nets@usa.healthnet.org'.