Empowering Women and Girls for Health: Women Deliver
Dear Colleague:
Thirty-one MSH staff joined thousands of decision-makers, leaders, advocates, health professionals, and media gathering to focus on our most valuable investment: women and girls. The Women Deliver 3rd global conference discussed the importance of empowering women and girls, securing their health and rights, and promoting their essential leadership role in the Post-2015 agenda.
Watch: "Why UHC is a Women's Issue" >>
MSH listened and led on family planning, reproductive health, universal health coverage, fragile states, leadership, and advocacy conversations throughout the conference in person and online.
Six conference sessions featured MSH panelists and moderators.
MSH President Dr. Jonathan D. Quick delivered a "To The Point" Talk on UHC as a women's issue.
MSH sponsored: a partner reception with Population Services International; a dinner panel discussing the challenges of delivering maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) services in fragile states; and an internal technical meeting to discuss MSH's MNCH and family planning strategies.
The Global Forum on Cervical Cancer Prevention, which MSH is a partner organization on, brought together global cervical cancer prevention leaders, advocates, academics, and policy makers for an informative, consensus-building conversation.
As part of the Women Deliver Conference events, MSH brought six U.S. Congressional staffers from key House and Senate offices on a week-long study tour to Kuala Lumpur.
Read more stories from Women Deliver's 3rd global conference in Kuala Lumpur:
Universal Health Coverage Highlighted at Women Deliver: Good for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights | Barb Ayotte
Call for Universal Access to Cervical Cancer Prevention, Screening, Treatment, and Palliation: The Time to Act is Now | Gloria Sangiwa
Bringing Washington to Kuala Lumpur | Crystal Lander and Brigid Boettler
MSH Spotlights Fragile States at Women Deliver | Filmona Hailemichael
Let Girls Be Girls, Not Brides | Willow Gerber
Women's Rights and Access to Maternal and Reproductive Healthcare | John Ariale
Women persevere. Women are resourceful. Women LEAD. | Sarah Lindsay
Against all odds: Meeting maternal, newborn, and child health needs in the DRC | Kristin Cooney
Jobs and Java: MSH Kicks-Off First-Ever Women Deliver Career Fair | Leslie Duvall
Saving Lives of Women and Newborns by Improving Access to Essential Maternal Health Commodities | Suzanne Diarra and Maheen Malik
Stop Women From Dying: A Personal Reflection on Ending the Cervical Cancer Crisis | Shannon England
Confronting Global Health Challenges Together: MSH-Hosted Reception Highlights Public-Private Partnerships | Rachel Hassinger
WOMEN LEAD: Strong Women Save Lives | Belkis Giorgis
For more on Women Deliver, watch videos, photo slideshows, and visit the MSH at Women Deliver blog.
- Management Sciences for Health
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Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
784 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139