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Join MSH at Women Deliver
Dear Colleague:
In a few days, thousands of decision-makers, leaders, advocates, health professionals, media, and more will gather to focus on our most valuable investment: women and girls.
We are honored to be a Gold Sponsor and Advisory Group member of Women Deliver 2013. Over 30 staff members representing 10 countries will participate in the conference by speaking, moderating, leading, and learning together with the 5,000 attendees in Kuala Lumpur.
For over 40 years, MSH has worked shoulder-to-shoulder in partnership with over 150 countries---currently in over 65---saving lives and improving the health of women, girls, men, and boys. Our programs empower women; sensitize men; and integrate maternal, newborn, and child health, family planning and reproductive health, and HIV & AIDS services to improve access to quality care and, ultimately, save lives.
Please join us and our partners during these featured events at Women Deliver 2013. We will be live blogging and tweeting from the conference. If you can't join us in person, share your comments and engage with us via Twitter, Facebook, blog comments, or, in person, at these events and our booth #274/283/284.
See you online or in KL!
P.S. Please share your comments and engage with us via Twitter, Facebook, blog comments, or at our booth #274/283/284.
To The Point
Join MSH President & CEO Dr. Jonathan D. Quick on "Why universal health coverage is a women's issue" at To The Point- A series of thought-provoking, passionate talks on the conference themes and a bit more. (note change in date to Thursday).
Thursday, May 30 | 11:00am - 1:00pm | Plenary Hall
• Moderator: Michelle Goldberg, Author, The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power and the Future of The World
• Speakers
o Poonam Muttreja, Population Foundation of India (PFI) | Feminism and family planning
o Shereen El Feki, Author | Intimate Life in A Changing Arab World
o Dr. Jonathan D. Quick, MSH | Why universal health coverage is a women's issue
o Valerie DeFillipo, Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) Reference Group| Effective advocacy for universal access to contraception
o Dr. Nozer Sheriar, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) | Why I perform abortions
o Mona Eltahawy, Columnist | The price of defending freedom of expression
o Vicki Escarra, Opportunity International | Women and Micro Credit
o Ibu Robin Lim, Bumi Sahat Foundation | Save Our Midwives; Save Our World
o Dr. Imane Khachani, Maternity Hospital Les Orangers, National Reference Center in Reproductive Health | Don't just do something; simply do everything
o Rev. Canon Gideon Byamugisha, African Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Affected by HIV and AIDS (ANERELA), Uganda | Faith, family planning, and HIV
MSH at Women Deliver 2013
Task Sharing and Task Shifting: Investing in Frontline Health Workers Pays in Lives Saved
Tuesday, May 28 | 11:30am - 1:00pm | Room 404
• Moderated by Leo Bryant, Marie Stopes International (MSI)
• Panelists
o Fabio Castaño, MSH and Frontline Health Workers Coalition
o Laura Hoemeke, IntraHealth International and CapacityPlus
o Mengistu Asnake, Pathfinder International
o Jameel Zamir, International Planned Parenthood Federation South Asia Regional Office
Women Deliver as Those Who Manage, Lead, and Govern for Health
Tuesday, May 28 | 2:45pm - 4:15pm | Room 305
• Moderated by James Rice, Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project, MSH
• Panelists
o Fauziah Rabbani, Aga Khan University, Pakistan
o Constance Newman, IntraHealth International
o Hon. Ruth Kavuma Nuvumetta, Member of Parliament, Uganda
o Belkis Giorgis, LMG Project, MSH, Ethiopia
Let Girls Be Girls, Not Brides: Working Together to End Child Marriage
Tuesday, May 28 | 2:45pm - 4:15pm | Room 306
Organized by Girls Not Brides, MSH, and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
• Moderated by Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, World YWCA
• Panelists
o Sarita Prabhakar Wagh, India
o Suzanne Petroni, ICRW, USA
o Lakshmi Sundaram, Girls Not Brides (global)
MSH at Women Deliver 2013
Community-Based Access to Injectables (CBA2I)
Tuesday, May 28 | 2:45pm - 4:15pm | Room 304
• Moderated by Victoria Graham, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID
• Panelists
o Morrisa Malkin, FHI 360
o Vincent Kahi, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Kenya
o Winifred Mwebesa, Save the Children USA
o Bocar Daff, Ministry of Health, Senegal
o Hedayetullah Mushfiq, Scaling Up Family Planning Program, MSH, Afghanistan
o Sein Hlaing, IRC, Myanmar
Making Maternal and Newborn Health Safer in Humanitarian Crises
Tuesday, May 28 | 2:45pm - 4:15pm | Room 402
Organized by the Inter-Agency Working Grou p (IAWG) on Reproductive Health in Crisis.
• Moderated by Susan Dentzer, Health Affairs
• Panelists
o Sandra Krause, Reproductive Health Programme, Women's Refugee Commission
o Kristin Cooney, MSH
o Catrin Schulte-Hillen, Médecins Sans Frontières
o Teresita Artiaga Elegado, Family Planning Organization of the Philippines
Financing Progress: Paying for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH)
Wednesday, May 29 | 2:45pm - 4:15pm | Plenary Theatre
• Moderated by Peter Berman, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health, USA
• Panelists
o Justine Hsu, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
o Ravi Rannan-Eliya, Institute for Health Policy, Sri Lanka and Asia-Pacific National Health Accounts Network
o Geir Lie, World Health Organization (WHO)
o Dan Kraushaar, MSH
o Henrik Axelson, The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH)
Universal Health Coverage through Health Financing
Wednesday, May 29 | 2:45pm - 4:15pm | Room 404
• Moderated by France Donnay, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Panelists
o Dr. Jonathan D. Quick, MSH
o Peter Okwero, World Bank
o Abdus Salam Khan, WHO South-East Asia Office (WHO-SEARO)
o Ben Bellows, Population Council
o Nirali Chakraborty, Population Services International (PSI)
o Alysha Beyer, African Health Markets for Equity (AHME), MSI
MSH at WD2013
We are proud to partner with Women Deliver to host a career fair on Wednesday, May 29. With so many individuals attending who are dedicated to working together for women, it is an opportune time to connect job seekers and job makers.
Jobs & Java - A Sunrise Conversation about Mid-Career Professional Advancement
Wednesday, May 29 | 7:30am - 8:30am | Room 309
This session will kick off the all-day Career Fair with an interactive panel discussion and networking opportunity. Tea and coffee will be served.
• Moderated by Leslie Duvall, MSH
• Panelists
o Jonathan Rucks, Pathfinder International
o Suzanne Diarra, MSH
We'd love to meet you.
• Visit us throughout the conference at booth #274/283/284 and talk with our staff.
• Follow live updates and join the online conversations via:
o MSH at WD2013 blog:
o Twitter @MSHHealthImpact:
http://twitter.com/#!/MSHHealthImpact, with hashtags #WDLive, #WD2013, and #WOMENLEAD, and
o MSH community on Facebook:
Management Sciences for Health | Medford MA
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* Global Health Impact blog: http://blog.msh.org
* Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/MSHHealthImpact
* Like us on Facebook: Management Sciences for Health | Medford MA
* View our videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/mshhealthimpact
Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
784 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139