Epidemiology course on the Internet (13)
Excellent feedback
Deb showed me the excellent messages that were sent. We have been
discussing how best to develop this. We think again that there has
got to be pizzaz or students, especially medical students will not
pay attention.
In the first lecture or two we thought we would shift things a little
based upon the comments. We will use more of an interactive medium,
and pull students in by focusing on their interest to improve the
health of their family, their community and their nation, and show
that epidemiology and public health is the way to do this.
Then we will have a similar structure as Deb sent out, but will teach
by "case study", thus for the longitudinal study, Peter Bennett will
write about the enormously high rates of diabetes in the pimas, and
show how a prospective study was set up to investigate this...thus we
will use the community case study as the model to illustrate designs.
We got some great ideas for the case studies from developed and
developing countries alike..
Another component in the interactive media will be that this will
be something they can use once they get out, as this will have
access to Medline, Epi computer programs, manual of operations of
major studies, etc...
We are thinking of focusing on the medical school course first...
Keep tuned...things are moving...
Ronald LaPorte, Ph.D.
Director Disease Monitoring and Telecommunications
WHO Collaborating Center
Professor of Epidemiology
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA, 15261, USA
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