FDA Approval of AIDS Drugs - 2 items (5)
Dear Colleagues
Thank you Kigozi Isaac... I don't disagree with you at all on
any of this. My reading of the original post was that the drugs
in question were being delayed and this would in fact have a
negative impact on treatment. My mistake.
I was recommending that drugs should be exempt from effective
oversight... just that the oversight should be efficient and
And I also very much agree that we need to be very vigilant
about the corporate behavior of the big name pharmaceutical in-
dustry. They are managing the global intellectual property de-
bate and the trade debates in ways that are very worrisome...
and certainly are not maximizing the good that can come from
their proprietary knowledge and their products. I am particu-
larly upset about the considerably inventory of "orphan" drugs
which could have significant value for tropical disease, where
development has stopped because the PROFIT potential is not big
enough, yet the VALUE in the "south" would be huge.
Peter Burgess
Tr-Ac-Net in New York
Tel.: +1-212-772-6918
The Transparency and Accountability Network
With Kris Dev in Chennai India
and others in South Asia, Africa and Latin America