IFHHRO Global Training of Trainers: Developing Human Rights Training Courses for Health Workers
Utrecht, the Netherlands 21 – 25 November 2011
Course Content
Due to the nature of their profession health workers inevitably play a role in the protection and realisation of health related human rights.
What exactly does this role mean in practice?
What do health workers need to know about human rights?
How can human rights best be explained to health workers?
What are ways to stimulate health workers to take up their role in relation to human rights?
These are the leading questions which will be addressed during the IFHHRO Global Training of Trainers on Developing Human Rights Training Courses for Health Workers.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the training, participants will:
- have a practical understanding of a rights-based approach to health
- have insight in the different dimensions of the human rights role of health workers
- know how to stimulate health workers to undertake action in the field of health and human rights
- be able to design and adapt human rights training materials for their own target group
- be able to execute a structured, interactive human rights training course for health workers
The preliminary programme is available on the IFHHRO website<http://ifhhro.org/images/stories/ifhhro/events/preliminary_programme_tot.pdf>
Training methods
This course is based on the participatory methods developed for the IFHHRO online training manual <http://www.ifhhro-training-manual.org/>\. This manual shares materials specifically designed to train health workers in health and human rights issues. The materials bridge the gap between the legal conceptualization of the right to health and the daily practice of health workers. An active role of the participants is expected through sharing their own experiences and practicing training skills.
Who should apply?
- Staff of health and human rights NGOs
- Instructors of academic and vocational training institutes in the area of health
- Officials working in the field of health and human rights
- Health workers interested in health and human rights issues
- Other persons working to involve health workers in human rights
Practical Information
The Training of Trainers will last five days including a free afternoon. It will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands at training centre "De Kargadoor", from Monday 21 to Friday 25 November 2011. There will be a maximum of 30 participants and a minimum of 10 participants.
Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of participation from the International Federation of Health and Human Rights Organisations.
Please download the application form or request a copy at ifhhro@gmail.com. In order to complete the registration, the filled in application form should be submitted via email and must be accompanied by a CV. Please send your application to ifhhro@gmail.com not later then 26 September 2011
(Early bird). All applications will be reviewed and applicants will be informed about the results of the selection process before 3 October 2011.
Fees are payable once confirmation of participation has been issued. All fees must be paid by 21 October 2011.
Early Bird
The early bird course fee for this intensive training course is 990 Euro and it includes tuition costs, course materials, 5 lunches, coffee breaks, one informal dinner and farewell drinks. The fee is payable once the confirmation of participation has been received and must be paid by 21 October 2011.
IFHHRO members and observers have a 50 % discount. The fee for IFHHRO members and observers is of 495 Euro and covers all mentioned above. There are no scholarships available for this training course. The deadline for early bird applications is 26 September 2011.
Late Applications
Registration after the deadline is possible if space allows additional participants and the course fee will be 1250 Euro for non members / observers and 625 Euro for IFHHRO members and observers. The deadline for late registration is 21 October 2011.
Please note that selected participants are responsible for their travel arrangements, including visa application and fees, insurance, flight booking, accommodation and dinner.
If necessary the IFHHRO secretariat can provide an official letter to apply for funds elsewhere and administrative support for obtaining visa.
Information regarding accommodation and other practical details will be made available to all selected participants.
What participants have said about previous IFHHRO training courses:
I wish to thank you for the opportunity to participate in the TOTs global training. It was a wonderful learning experience and I now feel well equipped in planning, preparing and conducting trainings. The various interactive methods applied by the trainers were a mind opener. The innovative techniques ranging from board games, photo-matching, case studies, role plays, site visit revealed to me that there is more to effective training than good old power point presentations. The international representation of participants spiced up the discussions and sharing of experiences and enabled me to make new contacts, thus widening and strengthening IMLU's networks. My new skills will go a long way in improving the quality of my training work and therefore of IMLU's training programmes.
Dr. Joan Nyanyuki, Independent Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU), Kenya
Lots of info on content AND methods. The course systematized a lot of complex elements about training. Very innovative, inspiring and practical.
Anonymous, from training evaluation
I would like to say that the ToT was an eye-opener. We already started to use some of the techniques in our own training programme.
Isaac Mangulenje, Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights (ZADHR), Zimbabwe
Contact Information IFHHRO Secretariat:
Address: Janskerkhof 12, 3512 BK Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)30 2536401