AFRO-NETS> Fourth International Conference on Home and Community Care

Fourth International Conference on Home and Community Care
for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS: For a Renewed Solidarity

5 to 8th December, 1999
Paris, France

"...Scientific progress is essential but it must never obscure the
fact that we are treating a person and not simply an infection." Dr.
Jean Marc La Piana, Chair of Paris HIV 99.

The Fourth International Conference on Home and Community Care for
Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (Paris 99 VIH) will take place in Decem-
ber 5th-8th 1999. The objective of the conference is to create a fo-
rum for sharing experiences and exchanging ideas to encourage the de-
velopment of new care models, both in the industrialized and develop-
ing world.

UNAIDS, the Fondation du Present, and the Conference Organizers are
pleased to announce the creation of the international HIV/AIDS home
and community CARE discussion forum <>. The CARE net-
work is designed to raise awareness and expand participation to those
taking action who cannot attend the Paris VIH 99 Conference in per-
son. Caregivers, associations, health care personnel in primary care
services or in the home, governmental, and non-governmental organiza-
tions are invited and encouraged to take part.

To join the forum, send an email to:
with the word 'join' in the subject line � or if you have internet
access go to:
and click on the join/leave button.

A team of Key Correspondents from Africa (South Africa and Cote
d'Ivoire) and Latin America (Costa Rica) has been recruited to pro-
vide information on the conference and its themes, cover debates from
the sessions, and present your questions and views. Your participa-
tion, which provides further input from the field, is essential for
discussions and recommendations.

Finally, the CARE forum provides an opportunity to establish relevant
linkages with the World AIDS Conference to be held in Durban in eight
months time, and with the next Home and Community Care conference to
be held in the Asia region in 2001.

Please pass this announcement on to others in your country, national
network, or organisation.

<> is free of charge to members, and e-mail postings
will be sent directly to your inbox.

If you do not have access to e-mail, we strongly encourage you to ask
a local information resource center, NGO, or other organization to
help you take part in these discussions.

This initiative is supported by UNAIDS, Fondation du Present and
Paris VIH 99.

Tim France

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