AFRO-NETS> Gates Foundation's grants and Africa

Gates Foundation's grants and Africa

By Kimberly Richards

Forwarded from Nigeria-AIDS


I would like to know why the Gates Foundation always contributes to
research such as Malaria and Sleeping Sickness in Africa to insti-
tutes outside of Africa?

Could the Gates Foundation provide some rationale to why that is?
Does the UK have a problem with malaria and USA a problem with Sleep-
ing Sickness? Does Africa have no experts in the development of medi-
cines/Malaria/Sleeping Sickness? Would it not be best for the major-
ity of these researchers in such a program to be based in Africa?
Does no one in Africa apply for the grants? If not, why not? Can we
only blame ourselves for lack of funds reaching us?

Are these grants applied for or does Gates just donate to their place
of choice? Currently there is a case in USA against Microsoft by Peo-
ple of Colour for unfair labour practices. I am told that though
Gates set up a scholarship for talented Youths of Colour, that the
people administering the program are rude to individuals who ask
questions and who apply for the scholarships. Should one have to put
up with that? Just grin and bare it as they say? How long does one
have to grin and bare? Is this a modern day form of Slavery / coloni-
alism, that is 'Yes Baas, Yes Bass'? In light of all of this one
might as, what is going on?

I am glad that Gates likes to use his money to help others but who is
really helped, can we afford the medicines this research may produce?
Will we be forced to buy them from only so and so like the AIDS
Drugs, why does Africa keep getting excuse the terms, raped and plun-
dered? How can we stop this? Is it even happening?

Am I too cynical, or perhaps I am realistic, sometimes it is hard to

Can anyone provide an explanation?

Kimberly Richards

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