AFRO-NETS> Global Fund Announces its third call for proposals

Global Fund Announces its third call for proposals

On March 13, the Global Fund issued its third "call for proposals".
Proposals must be submitted to the Fund by 31 May 2003. The Technical
Review Panel (TRP) will review proposals in late July and will then
submit its recommendations to the board, which will consider them in
September. (In the first two rounds, the board approved all proposals
recommended by the TRP.)

The Fund has developed three key documents: the "Call for Proposals",
the "Guidelines for Proposals", and the "Proposal Form". These are
available in the six UN languages at:

Applicants need to carefully study all three documents, which have
been revised since Round 2.

The Fund says that it "gives priority to effective proposals from
countries and regions with the greatest need, based on highest burden
of disease and the least ability to bring financial resources to ad-
dress the problems of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Proposals from
countries and regions with a high potential for risk will also be
considered." The Fund adds, "If there is a Country Coordinating
Mechanism (CCM) in your country, you should try to submit your plan
through it."

The Fund's financial projections assume that in Round 3, proposals
worthy of approval will cost US$ 1,600 m. over the first two years,
nearly double the US$ 883 m. for Round 2.

Richard Feachem, Executive Director of the Fund, has made it clear
that a country that has already had a proposal approved by the Fund
for one of the three diseases is still free to submit a new proposal
regarding that same disease. This new proposal "could be a massive
scale-up, it could be a different dimension of the epidemic that's
being tackled, it could be more treatment whereas the first proposal
was more prevention. Or it could be simply different actors. Imagine
the CCM had come in in Round 1 or 2 with a mainly government-led pro-
posal, it could come back in Round 3 with a more NGO- and civil soci-
ety-led proposal."

Dr. Feachem added that the Fund very much welcomes bold proposals.
"If we don't go to scale in all three of the diseases quickly, we're
not going to make the impact we need to make." He also encouraged
CCMs to invite NGOs within their country to submit proposals to the
CCM that could, in turn, be bundled by the CCM and submitted to the
Global Fund. "The prospects for such a group of applications [being
approved by the Fund] would be enhanced if it were accompanied by a
covering explanation from the CCM that set these several strong pro-
posals into a national context."

(GFO) NEWSLETTER; Issue 8 - Monday 24 March 2003.

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