[afro-nets] Global Fund Launches Fourth Round With Call For Proposals

Global Fund Launches Fourth Round With Call For Proposals

Monday, January 12, 2004
Source: http://www.unwire.org/UNWire/20040112/449_11941.asp

The Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria issued a call
Saturday for the fourth round of proposals for funding to fight
the three deadly diseases, noting in particular that it encour-
ages "ambitious, large-scale proposals to combat malaria" during
this round.

In its previous three rounds of funding, the Global Fund has
pledged US$ 2.1 billion to 224 programs in 120 countries. Re-
cipients include governments, private sector organizations and
public/private partnerships.

Global Fund Executive Director Richard Feachem specifically en-
couraged groups to submit proposals on fighting malaria. "A num-
ber of countries are now ready to conduct a major offensive
against malaria," he said. "We have effective tools to prevent
and treat malaria. We need to spread these tools to as many
countries and people as possible."

HIV/AIDS is set to naturally attract a high number of proposals.
This is the fund's first call for proposals since the World
Health Organization and the Joint U.N. Program on HIV/AIDS
launched the "3 x 5" initiative aimed at providing 3 million HIV
sufferers with anti-AIDS medication by the end of 2005. The fund
says it will likely be the primary avenue for many countries to
finance the expansion of services required to meet the "3 x 5"

The deadline for submission of proposals is April 5, 2004. Pro-
posals will be assessed by the fund's Technical Review Panel,
which has approved about 40 percent of proposals submitted in
the last three rounds.

At the same time the Fund released a number of documents that
are designed to be helpful to grant applicants and recipients.
The documents can be downloaded from the Fund's web site at:
http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/apply/call in English and five
other languages.