[afro-nets] Global Health and Entrepreneurship: 3 Upcoming Free Expert Panels

Dear Friend of Unite For Sight,

We invite you to join our free upcoming webinars. Learn from leading experts about Taking Programs to the Next Level <https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/sept152015&gt;, Strategies for Growing and Scaling Organizations <https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/oct202015&gt;, and Applying Lessons in Cultural Competency <https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/nov52015&gt;\. The webinars include guidance and advice from expert panelists, as well as ample opportunity to ask the speakers questions. Please feel free to forward the webinar details widely, as the webinars are free and open to the public.

A Toolkit for Taking Programs to the Next Level
September 15, 4-5pm Eastern Time

Register at https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/sept152015

Learn from leading experts about taking programs to the next level. Gain insight from the panelists' key lessons learned for program development, pitfalls to avoid, funding suggestions, outcomes assessments, and other tools for taking programs to the next level.

Webinar Panelists:​

   Andrea Coleman, Chief Executive Officer, Founder, Riders for Health
   Katelyn Fleming, Senior Program Manager, Seed Global Health
   Jordan Levy, Chief External Relations Officer, Ubuntu Education Fund
   Carter Powers, Chief Operations Officer, Dimagi Inc.
   Moderated by Jennifer Staple-Clark, Founder and CEO, Unite For Sight

Strategies for Growing and Scaling Organizations
October 20, 4-5pm Eastern Time

Register at https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/oct202015

Learn from leading experts about strategies for growing and scaling organizations. Gain insight from the panelists' key lessons learned for organizational structure, pitfalls to avoid, management decisions, marketing and funding suggestions for scaling organizations, quality assurance, among other essential topics.

Webinar Panelists:​

   Jane Aronson, President and CEO, Worldwide Orphans Foundation; Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medical College, and Columbia University
   Dave DeLuca, Head of Campaigns, Do Something
   Charlie MacCormack, President Emeritus, Save the Children; Executive Chair, Health MDG Alliance
   Chevenee Reavis, Director of Strategic Initiatives + Global Advocacy, Water.org
   Moderated by Jennifer Staple-Clark, Founder and CEO, Unite For Sight

​Advice From The Experts for Applying Lessons in Cultural Competency
November 5, 4-5pm Eastern Time

Register at https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/nov52015

Learn from leading experts about cultural competency. Gain insight about key cultural competency lessons, and on how to apply cultural competency and humility to international and domestic settings.

Webinar Panelists:​

   Dean Cycon, Founder and CEO, Dean's Beans Organic Coffee Co.
   Paul Ellingstad, Director of Human Progress Initiatives, HP Corporate Affairs, Hewlett-Packard
   Brian Heuser, Assistant Professor of the Practice of International Education Policy, Peabody College of Vanderbilt University; Affiliated Faculty, Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health
   Natacha Poggio, Assistant Professor, Visual Communication Design, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford; Founder, Design Global Change
   Jane Zindell, Chief Programs Officer, Ubuntu Education Fund
Moderated by Jennifer Staple-Clark, Founder and CEO, Unite For Sight

Unite For Sight
234 Church Street, 15th Floor,
New Haven, CT 06510